During the first two weeks of February, I traveled to Rwanda to visit the University of Global Health Equity Butaro Campus and the Kibogora Level Two Teaching Hospital. The purpose of my trip was to …
global health
Two Ethiopian Vascular Surgeons Supported to Travel to Sweden
The University of Wisconsin Division of Vascular surgery has a long-standing partnership with Addis Ababa University Department of Surgery, Vascular Surgery Division. Through this partnership vascular surgery fellows and residents from the UW have the …
Baldwin Grant Allows Dr. Girma Tefera to Introduce Trauma Management Training to Ethiopia
In 2019, Dr. Girma Tefera, Professor of the Division of Vascular Surgery, was awarded a Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment Project Grant. The Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment is a competitive grant program that fosters public engagement …
In My Own Words: Dr. Farhat’s Trip to Lebanon
As Global Health Director, I have been active in enhancing the local care of patients with urologic issues in Beirut, Lebanon. I recently traveled to Lebanon to provide clinical care at American University of Beruit, …
In My Own Words: Dr. Rusy’s Trip to Singapore
In March 2024, I traveled to Singapore to attend the World Conference of Anesthesiologists. At this conference, I had the opportunity to serve as a delegate at the general assembly and present two Global Anesthesia …
Wisconsin Surgery Faculty Receives Grant to Support Collaboration in Sub-Saharan Africa
This past April, Syed Nabeel Zafar, MD, MPH, assistant professor in the Division of Surgical Oncology, was awarded a 3-year, $120,000 grant from the Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment to support work he is doing in …