Dai Yamanouchi, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
(608) 265-4420
Matthew Kelly, PhD
Post-doctoral fellow
As a postdoctoral trainee in the lab of Dr. Yamanouchi, I am investigating the pathophysiology of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) formation. The importance of this research is exemplified by the level and severity of cardiovascular disease in the US, and the lack of non-surgical therapeutic options for AAA. In this research, we focus on the role of TRAP-positive macrophage (TPM) differentiation in aneurysm development. Previously, we demonstrated TPM expression of catabolic enzymes, like cathepsin K and matrix metalloproteinases, which are thought to contribute to aneurysmal injury. Thus, suppression of TPMs may inhibit aneurysm progression. My research focuses on using multi-parameter flow cytometry to define the aneurysm-associated protein expression profile of stimulated cell lines, as well as primary cells derived from mouse and human aneurysmal tissue.
Banan Darwich, MS
Lab manager/Research specialist
As a research specialist in Dr. Yamanouchi’s lab I am investigating the effect of oxygen nanobubbles on cells undergoing hypoxic injury.
HIF1-α (Hypoxia induction factor 1-alpha) is the master regulator of oxygen homeostasis in all mammalian cells and is upregulated with hypoxic injury. It plays as key mediator in many cellular survival pathways such as tumor metastasis, angiogenesis as well as cell differentiation and apoptosis. In a recent study, it was shown that the inhibition of HIF1-α weakens the progression of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).
We are investigating Oxygen nanobubble supplemented media as a potential non-toxic HIF1-α inhibitor to be utilized in controlling the progression of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).
Josh D Mezrich, MD
Associate Professor
Section of Liver and Kidney Surgery
Division of Transplantation
University of Wisconsin-Madison
(608) 263-2527
600 Highland Ave.
MC 7375
Madison, WI 53792-3284
Luis A Fernandez, MD, FACS
Section of Liver and Kidney Surgery
Division of Transplantation
University of Wisconsin-Madison
(608) 263-9903
600 Highland Ave.
MC 7375
Madison, WI 53792-3284
Lab: Islet research lab
Douglas McNeel MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine
The Mc.Neel lab
Kimihiro Komori, MD, PhD
Professor and Chair
Division of Vascular Surgery
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
65, Tsurumaicho, Showa-ku
Nagoya 466-8550ya
Yuichiro Takei, PhD
Laboratory of Clinical Nutrition
Faculty of Nutrition
University of Kochi
2751-1 Ike Kochi-city, Kochi, 781-8515, Japan
TEL&FAX: +81-88-847-8590
Extension: 6202
Teruyoshi Tanaka, PhD
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry
Kindai University
3327-204 Nakamachi, Nara 6318505, Japan
Tel: +81-742-43-7362