General Surgery Residency >>
- Matches 6 residents/year
- Residents perform between 1,000-1,200 operations during training
- Two-year dedicated research experience
- Potential option for global surgery rotation or other elective
- Matches 2 resident/year
- Residents perform between 1,200-1,400 operations during training
- 12-18 months in community/rural general, 42-48 months of training with academic track cohort
Otolaryngology Residency >>
- Matches 4 residents/year
- Residents perform approximately 1,600 operations during training
- Integrated research experience with clinicians and scientists
- 1-week global surgery experience
Plastic Surgery Residency >>
- Matches 3 residents/year
- Residents perform over 1,300 operations during their training
- Opportunity to perform a dedicated research year
- Integrated global surgery rotation
Vascular Surgery Residency >>
- Matches 1 resident/year
- Residents spend 42 months on vascular rotations
- Two-year dedicated research experience
- Option for a global surgery rotation
The latest education news
Dr. Brigitte Smith Receives Distinguished Mid-Career Educator Award
Dr. Brigitte Smith, Associate Professor in the Division of Vascular Surgery and Vice Chair of Education, has been selected as the recipient of the Distinguished Mid-Career Educator Award by the Association of Surgical Education (ASE). …
Welcome Jane Ewing, URiM Participant!
The School of Medicine and Public Health and Department of Surgery is committed to being a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist learning environment and workplace. The Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) Visiting Student Scholarship Program, sponsored …
Welcome Spencer Jessop, URiM Participant!
The School of Medicine and Public Health and Department of Surgery is committed to being a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist learning environment and workplace. The Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) Visiting Student Scholarship Program, sponsored …
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