Aneurysms and Dissections
November 2, 2024
Health Sciences Learning Center
Madison, Wisconsin
This course provides education on acute and chronic aortic conditions to physicians and APPs who might encounter patients with these conditions in their practice but may not have sufficient familiarity with their management. The course will have two sessions – morning and afternoon. The morning session will focus on the fundamentals of aortic aneurysms and chronic aortic disease and will be targeted to PCPs, cardiologists and APPs. The afternoon session will focus on aortic dissection and other acute aortic syndromes, which will be more relevant to ER physicians and APPs. Both sessions will address surgical principles with presentations by vascular and cardiothoracic surgeons.
Target Audience
This activity is intended for Physicians, Nurses, Physician Assistants in the following specialties Cardiology, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, General Practice, Internal Medicine, Interventional Cardiology, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Primary Care, and Pulmonary Disease.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Identify patient groups at increased risk for developing aortic pathology
- Apply the correct diagnostic and surgical techniques on the appropriate aortic pathology
- Discuss current trends of aortic surgery and apply current guidelines
Provided By
This symposium is provided by the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Surgery and Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership (ICEP).

For More Information:
Veronica Watson, EdD
UW Department of Surgery
K4/729 CSC, 600 Highland Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53792-7375
Telephone: (608) 263-7697
FAX: (608) 252-0922