UW Obesity Management Summit
Friday, October 4, 2019
7:00 AM: Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibits
8:00 AM: Conference Welcome and Overview
Luke Funk, MD, MPH (UW-Madison)
Session I. Evidence-based strategies for weight loss via diet and physical activity
Moderator: Corrine Voils, PhD (UW-Madison)
8:15 AM: Maintaining dietary changes long-term
Corrine Voils, PhD (UW-Madison)
8:30 AM: Low carbohydrate dieting: what is the evidence?
William Yancy, MD, MHSc (Duke Diet and Fitness Center)
9:00 AM: What happens to our physiology when we try to lose weight
Dale Schoeller, PhD (UW-Madison)
9:15 AM: Physical activity and weight loss
Lisa Cadmus-Bertram, PhD (UW-Madison)
9:30 AM: Panel Discussion
10:00 AM: Refreshment Break & Exhibits
Session II. Pharmacologic treatment of obesity and its comorbidities
Moderator: Samantha Pabich, MD (UW-Madison)
10:15 AM: The Skinny on FDA-Approved Weight Loss Medications
Kristina Yokes, PharmD, BCACP (UW-Madison)
10:30 AM: Treatment of diabetes and its impact on weight
Samantha Pabich, MD (UW-Madison)
10:45 AM: How to use medications for treatment of obesity
Srividya Kidambi, MD (Medical College of Wisconsin)
11:15 AM: Panel Discussion
11:45 AM: Lunch & Exhibits
Surgery III. Bariatric surgery referral and management
Moderator: Michael Garren, MD (UW-Madison)
12:45 PM: Preoperative nutritional considerations: when is a patient ready for surgery?
Wendy Hahn, MS, RD, CNSC (UW-Madison)
1:00 PM: Bariatric surgery: Your patient is ready, but for what operation?
Sabrena Noria, MD, PhD (The Ohio State University)
1:30PM: Obesity, bariatric surgery and fertility outcomes
Anne Lidor, MD, MPH (UW-Madison)
1:45 PM: Long-term care of the bariatric patient
Steve Heuer, PA (UW-Madison)
2:00 PM: Endoscopic weight loss procedures: ready for prime time?
Lindsay Hessler, MD (UW-Madison)
2:15 PM: Panel Discussion
2:45 PM: Refreshment Break & Exhibits
Session IV. Obesity in the primary care setting
Moderator: Luke Funk, MD, MPH
3:00 PM: Racial disparities in obesity treatment: can we close the gap?
Eva Vivian, PharmD, MS, CDE, BC-ADM (UW-Madison)
3:15 PM: Managing obesity in primary care clinic: what works and what does not?
Compton Kurtz, MD (UW-Madison)
3:30 PM: Medically tailored meals in primary care: a pilot program
Maggie Larson, DO (UW Family Medicine)
3:45 PM: Wisconsin Department of Health Chronic Disease Prevention Program
Mark Wegner, MD, MPH (UW-Madison)
4:15 PM: Obesity and cancer: How strong is the connection?
Luke Funk, MD, MPH (UW-Madison)
4:30 PM: Panel Discussion
5:00 PM: Closing Remarks and Adjourn
Luke Funk, MD, MPH (UW-Madison)
October 5 Badger Game
For participants interested in enjoying all Madison has to offer in fall, note there is a UW Badgers home football game scheduled for Saturday, October 5. More information and ticket purchases is available on the UW Badgers website.
Syllabus and Conference Materials
Conference materials will be available to registered participants 48 hours prior to the event at the conference site: ce.icep.wisc.edu.
Program Changes
Emergency situations occasionally occur and may necessitate topic or speaker changes. The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and the University of Wisconsin–Madison ICEP reserves the right to alter or substitute a topic or speaker without prior notification