Two Ethiopian Vascular Surgeons Supported to Travel to Sweden

Dr. Dawit Gebregioris Debena assisting Dr. Artai Piouzram

The University of Wisconsin Division of Vascular surgery has a long-standing partnership with Addis Ababa University Department of Surgery, Vascular Surgery Division. Through this partnership vascular surgery fellows and residents from the UW have the privilege of an opportunity for an international global health rotation. During this academic year, in the spirit of the bilateral exchange program we are eagerly awaiting to host Dr. Nebyou and Dr. Henock here in our department.

The University of Wisconsin Division of Vascular Surgery, through a generous training grant from GORE, was able to facilitate an educational opportunity for two young vascular surgeons from Addis Ababa, Dr. Dawit Gebregiorgis Debena and Dr. Feron Getachew Tefera to travel to Linkoping University Hospital in Sweden. The goal of this trip was to expose the two vascular surgeons to complex open and Endovascular procedures. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the host and mentor to the two surgeons, Dr. Artai Piouzram, Senior Consultant of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery.