Surgical Critical Care Fellowship

Why Choose Wisconsin Surgical Critical Care?

The UW-Madison Department of Surgery Surgical Critical Care Fellowship program offers excellent opportunities to fellows that sets us apart from other programs. Learn why our faculty and fellows chose Wisconsin Surgery below.

“If you are considering coming to this program, you are going to get a good, well-rounded critical care education. You are going to have time for educational opportunities as well… You are also going to have a good group of supportive faculty that are willing to help you not just with your education but are involved in helping you succeed overall in life. That includes career planning and helping you figure out where to go next.”
-Dr. Maryia Kochubey, 2024 program graduate

“My favorite part of my fellowship year was being able to work with providers from the Department of Surgery, the Department of Anesthesiology, and the Department of Medicine in order to take care of very complex patients… I was really impressed with the willingness and ability of providers from a number of different specialties to link together and provide care for patients at an emergent time (COVID Pandemic).”
-Dr. Michael Beninati, 2020 program graduate, Current Faculty Member

Our Focus on Education

We have multiple education opportunities for fellows:

  • Core curriculum – faculty experts give lectures on curated topics, chosen to align with topics covered on the SCC board exam
  • Journal club – once a month, the SCC fellow discusses an article or articles in an informal setting with SCC faculty, residents, and other critical care fellows.
  • Full access to the SCORE curriculum for surgical critical care
  • “Meet the Experts” – monthly series with a different theme each month, where our fellow presented challenging cases related to the theme, discussing the clinical management with faculty experts
  • Fellow is provided attendance + travel to an ACS ultrasound course and a national acute care surgery/critical care meeting
  • UW Difficult Airway Course

Leadership Development

There are many opportunities for our fellows to gain leadership experience during their training year. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Leading the monthly morbidity and mortality conference for SICU.
  • Participation in the ICU Quality Improvement Committee and Hospital Critical Care Committee
  • Resident educational opportunities, ranging from teaching in the UW Simulation Center to curriculum development

Research Opportunities

Most of our faculty are involved in research and we encourage our fellow to participate in at least one research project during their year. More information about faculty with established laboratories are found here.


Interested in our Surgical Critical Care Fellowship Program? Click here to learn how to apply.

Please contact Michaela Gombar with any questions or concerns.

Contact Us

For questions about the Surgical Critical Care Fellowship, please contact:

Hee Soo Jung, MD
Program Director
(608) 262-6246

Michaela Gombar
Graduate Medical Education Program Manager
(608) 263-9419