Learn about the multiple projects underway at the Division of Vascular Surgery, led by our faculty. To learn more about research at the Division of Vascular Surgery, click here.
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Kyla Bennett, MD: Mitigating socioeconomic effects on patient outcomes
Dr. Bennett’s research interests include socioeconomic effects on outcomes of vascular disease and vascular surgery as well as methods to mitigate these effects. Her interests also include patient-centered decision making – improving assessment of patient-specific comorbidity and operative outcome risk assessment and delivering this information to the patient.
Bo Liu, PhD: Finding new treatments for vascular disorders
Dr. Liu’s Lab >>
The mission of the Liu lab is to advance the fundamental knowledge of biology and contribute to healthy living through research and therapeutic development. Toward this mission, Dr. Liu and her trainees are engaged in multiple basic and translational research projects. Their experimental approach utilizes a combination of cutting-edge technologies including CRISPER-mediated gene editing, single cell RNA sequencing, proteomics, and gene therapy. Current basic research topics include cell fate determination, programmed necrosis, inflammation, epigenetics, as well as matrix biology. The translational research of the lab focuses on pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of aortic aneurysm and venous thrombosis. To effectively study human disease, Dr. Liu has established productive collaborations with basic scientists and clinicians from a wide range of scientific and medical disciplines.
Dr. Liu is a passionate mentor who is committed to training of next generation of cardiovascular investigators. She has built a laboratory that fosters innovation, independence, and collaboration. She also directs/co-directs several training programs for trainees at various stages.
Advanced imaging for aortic and vascular disease
AortaCore-Aortic Imaging Lab >>
The Aortic Imaging Lab performs an independent analysis of radiographic imaging involving different pathophysiologies of the aorta including aneurysms, dissections, and traumatic aortic injury.
Gretchen Schwarze, MD, MPP: Improving communication for surgical decision making
The Patient Preferences Project: Better Communication for Surgical Decision Making >>
The Patient Preferences Project, led by vascular surgeon and medical ethicist Margaret “Gretchen” Schwarze, MD, MPP, helps older patients who are considering major surgery make decisions that are in line with their values, goals and preferences.
Girma Tefera, MD
Dr. Tefera has clinical research interests in abdominal aortic aneurysm treatment with endovascular stent graft, distal peripheral artery bypass surgery, and angioplasty and stent for limb salvage.
Dai Yamanouchi, MD, PhD: Investigating calcification in aortic aneurysm
Dr. Yamanouchi’s Lab >>
The major focus of Dr. Yamanouchi’s lab is to understand the pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysm with particular attention to calcium regulation in arteriosclerotic disease. Arterial calcification, commonly associated with aging and atherosclerosis, has recently attracted significant attention in the research community. Arterial calcification is a carefully controlled system relying upon a delicate balance between anabolic process by osteoblasts and catabolic process by osteoclasts. Dr. Yamanouchi and his group have reported the presence of osteoclast-like cells (OLCs) in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). They are also devoted to the development of novel materials for vascular bypass graft, and gene delivery methods to treat patients who suffer from peripheral arterial disease.