Last week, we celebrated our Department’s impressive research accomplishments at the Research Summit 2020: Forward Vision. Thank you to everyone who made this event a success, including the Summit committee: Co-Chair Hau Le, MD, Co-Chair Angela Ingraham, MD, MS, Katie Dorst, Nicole Jennings, MA, Sarah Pavao, Lauren Ross-Hixson, Susan Thibeault, PhD, CCC-SLP, Lisa Werning, and Karen Williams.
As part of the summit, several awards are given to recognize excellence in posters and presentations. The 2020 award winners are:
The Louis C. Bernhardt, MD, Best Clinical, Health Services, or Education Science Poster Award (Student)
Kaylee Scott (Mentored by Catharine Garland, MD)
“Psychological Considerations in Surgical Resident Education”
The Debra A. Hullett, PhD, Best Basic or Translational Science Poster Award (Student)
Daniel M. Tremmel (Mentored by Jon Odorico, MD)
”Reconstructing the in vivo Niche for Islet Culture and Transplantation”
Charles N. Ford, MD, Best Clinical, Health Services, or Educational Science Poster Award
Kevin Pettit (Mentored by Josh Hermsen, MD, and Petros Anagnostopoulos, MD)
“Prophylactic Passive Peritoneal Drain Improves Fluid Management in Infants after Congenital Heart Surgery”
K. Craig Kent, MD, Best Basic or Translational Science Poster Award
Cynthia Kelm-Nelson, PhD (Mentored by Michelle Ciucci, PhD)
“Gene Expression Linked to Vocal Behavior and Early-onset Parkinsonism”
Layton F. Rikkers, MD, Best Oral Presentation Award
Scott Odorico (Mentored by Sam Poore, MD)
“Novel Application of Common Pharmacological Agents Nimodipine and Botulinum Toxin A on Traumatic Nerve Regeneration Following Microsurgical Repair: A Pilot Study”