Department celebrates research accomplishments at annual summit

Last week, we celebrated our Department’s impressive research accomplishments at the Research Summit 2020: Forward Vision. Thank you to everyone who made this event a success, including the Summit committee: Co-Chair Hau Le, MD, Co-Chair Angela Ingraham, MD, MS, Katie Dorst, Nicole Jennings, MA, Sarah Pavao, Lauren Ross-Hixson, Susan Thibeault, PhD, CCC-SLP, Lisa Werning, and Karen Williams.

As part of the summit, several awards are given to recognize excellence in posters and presentations. The 2020 award winners are:

The Louis C. Bernhardt, MD​, Best Clinical, Health Services, or Education Science Poster Award (Student)
Kaylee Scott​ (Mentored by Catharine Garland, MD)
“Psychological Considerations in Surgical Resident Education”​

The Debra A. Hullett, PhD​, Best Basic or Translational Science Poster Award (Student)
Daniel M. Tremmel​ (Mentored by Jon Odorico​, MD)
”Reconstructing the in vivo Niche for Islet Culture and Transplantation”

Charles N. Ford, MD​, Best Clinical, Health Services, or Educational Science Poster Award
Kevin Pettit​ (Mentored by Josh Hermsen, MD, and Petros Anagnostopoulos​, MD)
“Prophylactic Passive Peritoneal Drain Improves Fluid Management in Infants after Congenital Heart Surgery”

K. Craig Kent, MD​, Best Basic or Translational Science Poster Award
Cynthia Kelm-Nelson​, PhD (Mentored by Michelle Ciucci, PhD)
“Gene Expression Linked to Vocal Behavior and Early-onset Parkinsonism”​

Layton F. Rikkers, MD​, Best Oral Presentation Award​
Scott Odorico​ (Mentored by Sam Poore, MD)
“Novel Application of Common Pharmacological Agents Nimodipine and​ Botulinum Toxin A on Traumatic Nerve Regeneration Following Microsurgical​ Repair: A Pilot Study”​