Alumni encouraged to participate in pediatric surgery survey

If you recently retired or are currently practicing in a general surgery or sub-specialty discipline (e.g. colorectal surgery) where you operate on patients under 18 years old, especially if you practice in a more rural environment, we want to hear from you about your perspectives on your pediatric practice. Faculty member Jonathan Kohler, MD, MA, is leading UW’s participation in this national survey.

Participate in A Survey Examining Gaps in Rural and Underserved Children’s Surgical Care in North America.

The Rural and Pediatric Surgery Advisory Councils of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the American Pediatric Surgical Association (APSA) are examining perceived gaps in children’s surgical care in rural and underserved areas of North America. We are interested in learning more about existing surgical resources for children and how to improve future care through training paradigms, continuing medical education, and communication including telemedicine.

An Optimal Pediatric Surgical Care Task Force, which has national stakeholder support, is undertaking a needs assessment with a survey. This survey is directed toward practicing rural and general surgeons in the U.S. who take care of some children in their practice, or who evaluate and transfer children to a higher level of care. “Children” is defined as individuals under 18 years old. This same survey was recently sent out through the Rural and General Surgery Communities and News Scope by the ACS. If you have already participated, we thank you. If you have not and qualify based on the above description, we would appreciate your involvement.

The survey will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. Participation in the survey implies informed consent. Once you enter the survey, you will not be allowed to save your answers and return to complete it. Contact Jonathan Kohler ( with questions concerning the survey.