Partner2Lose is a weight loss and management study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with Principal Investigator Corrine Voils, PhD. The study is now enrolling couples into this 2-year program that will compare two ways for losing weight: alone vs. with support from your partner.
This study may be a good fit if:
You are:
- between 18-74 years old
- currently overweight
- living with a partner/significant other
- not pregnant or breastfeeding
And both you and your partner:
- Have individual smart phones with data and texting plans
- Have individual email addresses
- Are willing to participate in a 2-year weight loss and management program, including group classes taking place in Madison, WI and individual telephone calls
What is in it for me?
You will receive:
- All group classes and telephone calls for free
- Free physical activity tracker (one per couple)
- Up to $180 ($360 per couple) for completing study measurements
To learn more about this opportunity and to see if you are a good fit for this study, please go to the Partner2Lose website:
All communication of interest for participation must be done through the Partner2Lose website.