Department research highlighted at recent annual summit

Research summit attendees explore the poster session.

Department research efforts shined last week at the annual Research Summit. The tenth annual event brought together over 300 research-minded colleagues to share ideas and encourage collaborations.

Guest speaker Debra Houry, MD, Director of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, presented information on the CDC’s efforts to decrease and prevent opioid overdoses and opioid related harms.

Our second guest speaker, Fred Lee Jr, MD, MPH, is Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, and The Robert A. Turrel Professor of Imaging Science. In his inspiring talk, titled “Bench to Bedside in Action: A UW Story,” Dr. Lee recounted the process of bringing a novel idea for a medical device into being, from the drawing board to the clinic.

The poster session attracted 132 submissions. Department of Surgery Research Summit 2019 Award Winners included:

  • The Louis Bernhardt, MD, Best Translational-Clinical Poster Award – Molly Knigge, MS, CCC-SLP, Susan Thibeault Lab, “Correlations Among Upper Esophageal Sphincter Post-swallow and Pharyngeal Pressures in Normal and Dysphagic Subjects”
  • The Debra Hullett, PhD, Best Basic Science Poster Award – Dan Tremmel, Jon Odorico Lab, “Pancreatic ECM co-culture enhances phenotypic maturity of stem cell-derived beta cells”
  • The Charles Ford, MD, Best Clinical, Health Services, or Educational Science Poster Award – Nick Albano, MD, Ahmed Afifi Lab, “A New Approach to Migraine Surgery: The UW Flap”
  • The K. Craig Kent, MD, Best Basic or Translational Science Poster Award – Vlasta Lungova, PhD, Susan Thibeault Lab, “Amniotic fluid assists in separation of murine vocal folds”
  • The Layton F. Rikkers, MD, Best Oral Presentation Award – Sabrina Wang, Nadine Connor Lab, “Effects of Age and Exercise on Lingual Muscle Regeneration”
  • Behind the Lens Surgery Science Image Contest – Sarah Franco, PhD, Bo Liu Lab

Thank you to everyone who supported the summit, and special thank you to the committee that made this event possible: Committee leads Angela Ingraham, MD, MS, and Robert Redfield, MD, and committee members Katie Dorst, Nicole Jennings, MA, Mary Marshall, Sarah Pavao, Lisa Werning, and Karen Williams.