Department presentations at American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2018

We’re so proud of our Department members who shined at the 2018 American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress last week. Below are the presentations and panels they led:


Daniel Abbott, MD

Forum: Surgical Oncology II

Luke Funk, MD, MPH

Forums: General Surgery II, Baratric/Foregut II, Health Services Research V, Baratric/Foregut IV

Caprice Greenberg, MD, MPH

Panel: Setting the Stage: Where Are We and Why Does It Matter?

Jake Greenberg, MD, EdM

Surgical Skills Course: SC12B Contemporary Strategies for Minimally Invasive Inguinal and Ventral Hernia Repair (Lecture and Lab)

Surgical Skills Course: Laparoscopic Repair of Recurrent Inguinal Hernias

Angela Ingraham, MD, MS

Forum: Health Service Research II, IV, and V

Anne Lidor, MD, MPH

Forum: Bariatric/Foregut 1

Susan Pitt, MD, MPHS

Panel: Social Media in Surgery: Best Practices

Rebecca Sippel, MD

Panel: Indications Pros and Cons for Prophylactic Central Neck Dissection-CON

Girma Tefera, MD

Panels: Global Engagement, Exploring the Benefits of Global Surgery Engagement to the Home Institution,  Humanitarian Surgical Outreach at Home and Abroad: Reports of the 2018 Volunteerism and Humanitarian Award Recipients, Global Health Competencies for Surgeons: Cognitive and System Skills

Lee Wilke, MD

Forum: Breast (Moderator)

Panels: Genomics Versus Genetics: The Basics, Personalized Breast Cancer Treatment and Tumor Genomics, and How are Genomic Relevant to the Practicing Breast Cancer Surgeon?

Meet the Expert: ME105 Breast Cancer Management 2018

Emily Winslow, MD

Panel: Surgical Management and Contemporary Outcomes


Natalie Bath, MD

Forum: BLyS Deficient Rats Precent Donor Specific Antibody (DSA) Production and Proliferation in Rodent Model

Alexander Fisher, MD

Forum: Improving Transitional Care after Complex Abdominal Surgery: Results of a Telemedicine-Based Transitional Care Intervention

Natalie Liu, MD

Forum: Motivations of Men with Severe Obesity Who Pursure Bariatric Surgery or Medical Weight Management

Devon Livingston-Rosanoff, MD

Posters: Evaluation of Long-Term Satisfaction with Mastectomy vs Breast Conserving Surgery in Patienrts Treates for Ductal Carcinoma in Sity, and Evaluation Barriers to Surgeon Scientists Participating in Basic Science Research

Toria Rendell, MD

Forum: Mixed-Methods Study Examining Initial Interactions of Cancer Patients with Multi-Disciplinary Care Teams

Andrew Rogers, MD

Forum: Healthcare Resource Utilization in Laparoscopic and Open Inguinal Hernia Repair

Patrick Schwartz, MD

Panel:  PLR and NLR are Poor Predictors of Survival Outcomes in Soft-Tissue Sarcomas: A New Perspective on Inflammatory Biomarkers from the USSC Database

Christopher Zimmerman, MD

Forum: Stakeholder Views of Organ Donation before Circulatory Death for Patients Who Do Not Meet Brain Death Criteria

Symposium Presentation: Best Case/Worst Case in the Trauma ICU