Global Surgery at the University of Wisconsin strives for equitable access to excellent patient care across the global community through innovative partnerships that leverage the strengths of diverse teams.
Health equity through innovative and mutually-beneficial research, service, and health education at sustainable multi-disciplinary global hubs.
Our People
Meet the Global Surgery Workgroup >>
Global Voices
Learn about our experiences in the field >>
Connections Around the Globe
Our faculty, staff, and trainees regularly travel to support international clinical, research, and education collaborations.
Learn about our international partnerships >>
A Global Education
Today’s surgical students are global learners. We support and engage our residents, fellows, and rotating medical students in opportunities to serve and learn abroad. In our global health work, our students become innovative problem-solvers, increase their insight in resource utilization, develop their hand-on skills, and strengthen their leadership capabilities.
Our Global Education Opportunities >>
We’re proud to work with scholars across the globe on a variety of research projects.
Our international research collaborations >>

Stories from the field
In My Own Words: Dr. Kristin Long’s Trip to Rwanda
During the first two weeks of February, I traveled to Rwanda to visit the University of Global Health Equity Butaro Campus and the Kibogora Level Two Teaching Hospital. The purpose of my trip was to …
Two Ethiopian Vascular Surgeons Supported to Travel to Sweden
The University of Wisconsin Division of Vascular surgery has a long-standing partnership with Addis Ababa University Department of Surgery, Vascular Surgery Division. Through this partnership vascular surgery fellows and residents from the UW have the …
Microsurgery and Regenerative Medicine Lab Expands Global Education
Microsurgery is a specialized field within plastic surgery that uses precision instruments and an operating microscope to reconnect blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics. The field of microsurgery allows body parts to be rebuilt with one’s …
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Contact us
Kristin Long, MD, MPH
Associate Professor, Division of Endocrine Surgery
Vice Chair of Global Surgery
(608) 263-1387
Christine Inthachith, MS
Global Health Coordinator, Global Surgery
(608) 262-1551